Moving Guides

Let us help you
Make the most of your move
Moving your home, business or relatives can be a big deal. Here are some tips from Movers For Me! Each general tip on this page will reduce the work, time and stress of your move. There are so many things to consider when moving. We wanted to offer guidance and put you in the right direction. Our goal is to make this process as easy on you as possible. Now that you know how the moving process takes place, schedule help with Movers For Me and get a quote!
Mail Forward Guide
How does the postal service know when I’m moving?
They don’t! You have to inform them using the change of address form at
Plan Ahead
Plan to complete your change of address at least seven (7) days before you move into your new home.
Go to
Browse to and have your debit or credit card ready. Change of address now costs $1.05.
Update your Mail Contacts
When you get forwarded mail, make sure you contact the sender to update your address.
Check Our Pinterest Page
Check our moving guides on Pinterest. We have over 1200 Pins, with all of the DiY Tips and Tricks you’ll need for Moving
Weeks Approaching
- Complete the Change of Address Form with the US Postal Service.
- If you have kids:
- Local school districts
- Doctors
- Daycare
- Clubs
- Library
- Contact the following people about your coming move:
- Utilities: electric, gas, water, phone, cable or satellite, sewage
- Medical facilities: doctor, dentist, pharmacy
- Professional services: lawyer, broker, insurance
- Personal accounts: bank, credit cards, clubs; associations, home care services
- Government offices: the DMV, tax bureaus, social security administration, voter registration
- Delivered materials: magazines, newspapers, journals
- If needed, auto insurance & home insurance
- Most importantly, notify family and friends!
Days Before
- Label any boxes you decide to pack with the contents and room destination, ensuring your electronics are cataloged and labeled, and individually wrap any liquids.
- Properly dispose of all flammables such as aerosol cans, cleaning fluids and paint. We don’t want to move stuff that might damage your household goods!
- Drain oil and gas from your lawn mower and any other power tools.
- Pack all prescriptions and any immediate necessities in an easy to access suitcase for anything you may need during the move. If traveling by air, make sure not to check this bag.
- Make sure to note any fragile items that may need special attention for the packers, or anything you do not want packed or moved. Also note anything you will want access to first at your new home.
Moving Day
- Be available or designate a point of contact. Make sure there are no questions about delivery arrangements
- Take a last minute look around and be sure everything is shut off, unplugged, disconnected, and locked up.
- Help direct laborers during the unload process.
- Keep all those moving documents in your move file and in a safe place. They will be needed for verification for tax returns.
- Check with the post office for any held mail and notify them that you are ready for delivery to begin.